Birthday’s Come and Go……

The latest birthdays in the Gourley Saga are of course Kacy and Adisyn who had birthdays in May and June 2017. Janana and Adi (age 11) had a great shopping trip and dinner paid by an anonymous blessing. What a surprise!

We celebrated Kacy’s on Father’s Day (thank-you Father’s for sharing your day) always happy to Celebrate this (Daughter in Love).

Pumpkins, Cool Breezes and Rain!

I love Fall! It is the time of year that I reset and resetting is a good thing. Days become shorter and I become more relaxed. Don’t get me wrong, my body seriously resets in a good way with more energy than I ever had in the summer. The heat of Summer drains me, and the coolness of the Fall rejuvenates me. I love all the colors, the warmth of a fire and the smells of the harvest. How about you? What is your favorite season?

A Baptism at the Creek

We are commanded to be baptized to show the world of our outward decision of our inward heart changed by the Lord. I am proud to say that these kiddos have made that step in following the Lord all the days of their lives. I am greatly blessed to have seen most of my grandchildren make that important decision in their lives. I am a truly blessed Nana!

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February Birthdays!

Han,Papa,Jeremy,Amiya & Emma (March BD)

Our family is getting larger in number all the time. We have decided to celebrate birthdays monthly or we would just be celebrating everyday. Which would be fine, but I have a book to write….  Hopefully my posts will become more timely….Like not months behind the times. Happy Birthday to all these beautiful people!  I love you all!