Pumpkins, Cool Breezes and Rain!

I love Fall! It is the time of year that I reset and resetting is a good thing. Days become shorter and I become more relaxed. Don’t get me wrong, my body seriously resets in a good way with more energy than I ever had in the summer. The heat of Summer drains me, and the coolness of the Fall rejuvenates me. I love all the colors, the warmth of a fire and the smells of the harvest. How about you? What is your favorite season?

Baby Isaac and Daddy

We have a new little Gourley who I have not published about yet. He is Sir Isaac Nyguen Gourley (he is not really a sir but it sure sounds official doesn’t it). He is now almost 3 months old. He was born on November 8th of 2010. He is adjusting to the wildness of our extended family and will join his fellow cousins Caiden and Ezekiel in lots and lots of little boy fun. Josh and Han are greatly blessed by this new little bundle even if it has changed their lifestyle a bit.